Preparing for Your Career Webinar Series

Join us as we dive into the different facets of preparing to have a successful career. We will meet with experts as they tell us what skills we need beyond the technical ones obtained in Cisco Networking Academy courses. Research has shown that social skills are contributing factors to being successful in the workplace.

Each session features different speakers, presenting you with broad perspectives and experiences.

Session 1: It Takes More than Technical Skills

Employers have expressed that they prefer their candidates to have more than just technical skills. This webinar provides a basic overview of the top career skills that employers look for in technically focused candidates. Do not miss this opportunity to become more employable.

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Session 2: Networking and the Hidden Job Market

The majority of job openings are never advertised, but filled by word of mouth. That is why networking is a great way to find a job. Unfortunately, many job seekers are hesitant to take advantage of networking because they are afraid of being seen as pushy, annoying, or self-serving. But networking is not about using other people or aggressively promoting yourself—it is about building relationships. Join this session to learn how to add people to your network, expand your sphere of influence, and uncover your hidden job market.

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Session 3: Navigating Your Career Path

Ready to start your career, but feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start? In this session, you will learn about the top jobs in the tech field, creating a strategy for your job search, how to leverage job sites to begin the process, and how to negotiate your salary.

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Session 4: Get Noticed by Perfecting Your Resume

According to research, it takes recruiters around six seconds before they make the initial 'fit or no fit' decision on candidates based on resumes. With this kind of competition, you need to have a flawless resume to get through the screening process. Learn how to perfect your resume and cover letter.

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Session 5: Ace Your Interview

Interviewing for a job can be intimidating and the prospect of having to meet and impress new people may be enough to trigger anxiety. You may feel uncomfortable “selling” yourself or fielding unexpected questions. Good news - interviewing is a skill you can learn. With the right tips and techniques, you can become a master at sharing your value with potential employers, presenting yourself effectively at interviews, and getting the job you want.

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