This playbook has been created to help Regional Managers and CSR Consultants establish Networking Academies at correctional facilities around the world. Find inspirational case studies, general instructions, and ready-to-use tools.
This is an evolving set of resources, and we need your input! Ask questions, send us your feedback, and submit new content here: Jen Miller, Field Marketing Manager, NetAcad
Partner with teams and individuals in your region. Some tools are available in languages other than English. If you want to request a translation, or submit one of your own, please let us know.
How to Use This Playbook
- Glance through the case studies below to see what may already be happening in or near your region of the world.
- Search for prisons and other types of facilities, whether national, local, or private.
- Engage your regional director and/or sales account manager for local intel.
- Partner with an existing academy nearby for support Instructor support
- Download the email template and PPT slides - feel free to customize these for your own use.
Email Template
Word (paste into email) - includes detailed instructions
Handout Template
Word (for editing) | PDF (use as-is)
Presentation Slides
Use these links to gather incarceration statistics, and read about other organizations working to reduce recidivism. Seek out similar groups in your part of the world to obtain contacts and new partnerships:
Why Should We Do This Outreach?
Why should we expand into prisons, correctional facilities, rehab centers, half-way houses, and juvenile halls? To extend NetAcad's reach into new learning populations eager for new skills, and to reduce recidivism, which helps individuals, families and communities improve their lives.
"There’s a growing consensus that the more educated offenders are, the less likely it is they’ll return to the correctional system. A recent report by the Rand Corporation found that inmates who participate in education programs have a 43% lower chance of recidivating than those who do not. Their odds of finding a job after their release are 13% higher as well. (Prison ed tech takes off |The Network)
Bring IT Essentials and CCNA courses to these leaners, show them how they can make a living with the skills and knowledge provided, and watch them focus their time and effort. They will also learn communication skills, teamwork, problem-solving, and more of the career skills employers look for.
Global Case Studies
BRAZIL: Federal Institute of Pernambuco, Caruaru. Bringing Technology and Opportunity to Youth in Prison. English - French - Spanish
ECUADOR: Ministerio de Justicia. Peronas Privadas de Libertad Replicarán conocimientos tecnológicos en CRS Cotopaxi. Spanish - Video Ministerio de Justicia - Video Cisco
ITALY: Seconda Casa di Reclusione di Milano. Preparing Inmates to Succeed in a Technology-Driven Job Market. English
NIGERIA: Orgun State, Borstal Detention Center. Remand Centers Work to Rehabilitate Prisoners Between the Ages 16 and 23. English
UK: England, Her Majesty's Prison Service. Prison ICT Academies (PICTAs) Expand Across the Country. English
US: Colorado. Women's Prison Leverages Pilot Training Program to Earn Grants for Expansion. English
US: Massachusetts. Second Chance Grant Builds Prison Training Program. English - French - Spanish
US: Minnesota State Correctional Facility, Stillwater. Courses at Workforce Development Centers to Expand to Prisons. English - French - Spanish
US: New Jersey. Community Center (non-government) Partners with Prisons and Halfway Houses to Deliver Training. English - French - Spanish
Please click here to submit additional stories, case studies, feedback and suggestions! |