Top Talent
Networking Academy students learn networking and security skills as well as entrepreneurial, decision making, and other soft skills. Making them better prepared to enter the workforce. Employers can participate in Talent Bridge events that allow them to interact directly with our students. Read: Top 10 reasons to hire Networking Academy students.

Global Community
Gain access to a pipeline of current and former IT, networking and security students through our global network of over 12,000 education partners who represent more than 3 million students each year around the world. Sync with our network on LinkedIn.

Direct Connection
Employment partners gain access to the Talent Bridge Matching Engine. A tool that syncs them directly with our top talent, allowing them to post jobs, and refine their recruiting process.
A few of our employment partners:

“Working with Cisco helps us connect to students and people who will graduate and have careers in our field.
It’s added a whole new layer to our business model.”
-John Grindley, Straight Up Technologies
Ready to Get Started?
Cisco and Cisco Channel Partners can start building a talent pipeline that can fill networking, security, and sales jobs.