As Cisco Networking Academy enters its 25th anniversary year, Air Force Association CyberPatriot Program is in its 15th year of competition.
Riot Games Network Engineer and Cisco Alumni, Sana Sheikh, talks networking, how to stay competitive in the esports and gaming industry, and what Cisco Networking helped her on her journey.
Acompáñenos a conocer sobre los perfiles del profesional de ciberseguridad, lo que existe hoy en día y lo que se requiere, pero también lo que se puede esperar en el futuro.
Skills for All with Cisco Networking Academy is a powerful resource for our 12,000 global education partners, giving them new and innovative ways to engage learners online and maximize instructor t
Here’s a story of hope, bridging digital divides in remote communities.
By Swati Handa, Senior Product leader of Cisco Networking Academy
Rebeca De La Vega, Gerente Regional de Cisco Networking Academy en América Latina, habla con un panel de expertos sobre los desafíos, soluciones y tendencias en ciberseguridad.
Jim Reavis, CEO of the Cloud Security Alliance and Swati Handa, Senior Product Leader at Cisco explore the promising area of cloud security and how it enables an inclusive future.
Using Cisco WebEx Solutions, the Victorian Government is connecting 1,600 schools, 44,000 teaching staff and 620,000 students in Australia.