Unlock Your Power to Succeed Webinar Series

Each of us has the power to be successful, but not all of us are aware of how to channel it and use it. In this series we cover a variety of topics that touch on how to be introspective so you can learn to use your strengths.

A part of knowing how to unlock your power to succeed is to also be emotionally intelligent. We know, through many research studies as well as through reading success stories, that emotional intelligence is key to becoming successful in all aspects of life—personal and professional.

We will cover varying aspects of how to become more emotionally intelligent and attuning your mindset to be more positive. These 10 sessions feature insightful advice on how you hold the power to your success as a technology professional.

Session 1: The Power of Adaptability

To gain and maintain growth you first need to learn to thrive on change and difficult time. Do not get frustrated and fall behind, adapt and stay ahead to ensure success. Learn how to become more adaptable – an important skill that can be applied in both your personal life and career.

Session 2: Strategizing Life

Inspire yourself to be more introspective. Learn to contemplate where you are and discover where you want to go. And discover how to get there—make it a reality. In this session, we teach you how to develop a clear path with defined strategies to improve your chances of achieving both your personal and career goals.

Session 3: Maximizing Your Return

Are you comfortably uncomfortable? Are you heading towards where you want to be? If you change nothing, how do you envision your life is going to look like in three years, in five years, and in ten years? When you reflect on your life, do you feel something is missing and you are not fully fulfilled? You are not alone.

In fact many people who would be viewed as “successful” by society’s standards – those who have expensive homes, fancy cars, and have loaded bank accounts – still feel like they are living a lie. They feel that who they appear to be on the outside does not match who they are inside.

The good news is that everyone can acquire the state of happiness and fulfillment by maximizing their returns in six key areas of their lives. If you have not figured out these keys yet, then this webinar is for you.

Session 4: Recognizing Your Strengths

Every one of us has something to give to the world, and the key to success is recognizing which skills are your specialty. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses allows you to become a better teammate and working professional. Learn how to find your strengths and use them to be successful in the workplace. We teach you how to be introspective and discover your own amazing skills that you already possess.

Session 5: Achieve Work-Life Balance

Do you want to have a successful career while also living your life? One of the keys to doing that is understanding how to manage work-life balance. As well as understanding how to grasp learning opportunities every time they are presented to you. If you continuously work to improve yourself, personally and professionally, your emotional intelligence will increase as a direct result. Research has shown that emotionally intelligent people have the highest success rates.

Session 6: Fail Fast and Move On

Failure is a stepping stone to success. In your career you will need to learn to let go of things that are holding you back such as fear of failure in order to be successful.

Every successful person has failed—and failed fast. Failing fast means you learn from the failure and move forward without being hung up on the moment itself. It is important to let go of the ego aspect of failure, it is important that you do not think of it as a dark spot on your reputation. How you react to your failure defines you—not the failure itself. Start living by learning how to let go and not worrying.

Session 7: Own Your Choices

In your career, it is important you are able to own up to mistakes and accept constructive criticism. In this session you learn about how owning your choices directly translates to being successful in the workplace. If you are willing to take 100% responsibility for your life, then you will not only astound yourself, you will astound the world around you.

Session 8: How to Start Again

There will be many moments in life where you will need to make a choice, do I keep going or do I start again? This can be in the form of a monumental career move or it can be as common as working on solving a problem and knowing that you need to start over because your current path will not give you the desired outcome.

Learning how to start again is critical, as we are never too old or too late. It is equally important to realize, although you cannot go back to the exact same beginning, you can restart today and create an alternative ending. Learn how you can recognize when there is a need to start again and how to process the change.

Session 9: Recognize Your Urge to Succeed

Do you find it hard to feel motivated to start your day? If you are looking to better understand how to realize your passion so that you can work towards your goals, then join us for this session. We will discuss how you can live life on your own terms and attain your success.

Session 10: Be Proactive

There is a great amount of truth behind the commonly known saying: actions speak louder than words. When you take action, you show your initiative, dedication, and strengths. It is far easier to say your idea than to make your idea a reality. When you can demonstrate that you can take a visionary idea, strategize how to make it a reality, and follow through by making it happen—you will find success.

Management rewards those who take initiative and are proactive in getting things done.

About the Speaker: Malih Al Yaman is residing in Dubai, where he established the Young Leaders Development Program (YLDP) and is the current CEO. He previously founded and worked as General Manager at Kawader Training Services. Prior to that he worked in the banking industry in Canada, followed by founding the Lebanese Institute for Research and Economic Development, as well as working in a senior position in the hospitality industry in United Arab Emirates. In addition to holding professional positions he has also opened several successful businesses in Canada, Lebanon, and United Arab Emirates.